In recent years, climate change has become an urgent issue and a priority agenda in Indonesia's G20 presidency. Indonesia has the third largest tropical rainforest in the world and is working to protect small islands that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change. This research report describes the climate change policy landscape in Indonesia, including efforts to reduce emissions and energy transition. The Indonesian government has allocated around 4,1 percent of the APBN for emissions reduction efforts, but more steps are still needed to ensure public access to these funds.
Apart from discussing various financing facilities available through government, industry and communities, this report also presents several case studies on successful access to climate financing by NGOs and local communities. This case study shows that NGOs that have successfully accessed climate change funds have a good track record of working on similar issues, work closely with local communities, and have experience in similar projects. The report also highlights the challenges faced by NGOs in obtaining funding and the importance of sustainability after project completion.
In order to face the increasingly urgent climate crisis, it is important for governments, NGOs and communities to work together to access and utilize climate change funds. This research report serves as a valuable source of information for policy makers, practitioners and academics interested in climate change issues in Indonesia.