Forum C20 Discusses Proposals to Reduce Remittance Fees by 3 Percent

Previously, reducing the cost of remittances or remittance services would be one of the issues discussed at the Civil 20 (C20) conference at the G20 Indonesia presidency.

The Executive Director Prakarsa and Sherpa C20 Indonesia (official G20 partner from civil society organizations) Ah Maftuchan, explained that the reduction in remittance fees aims to support the welfare of migrant workers from countries that are members of the G20.

 "Regarding remittance rates are very expensive, we want a maximum remittance rate of 3 percent because this will benefit migrant workers in developed countries," said Maftuchan at the C20 Kick-Off Meeting & Ceremony press conference, Tuesday (8/3/2022).

Maftuchan said that currently the average global remittance cost reached 13 percent, aka expensive. It is conceivable, if a migrant worker wants to send money to his country, he will be subject to such an expensive tariff, it will burden migrant workers from poor and developing countries.

"We can't imagine if the current rate is 13 percent, if any of our migrant workers or Indian migrant workers or Filipino migrant workers send money to their homes for USD 100, they will be charged USD 13, that is too expensive and will be a burden," he said.

Sumber: Liputan6

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