Multidimensional Poverty | PRAKARSA

Multidimensional poverty is able to touch aspects of poverty as a whole, because it not only reveals the number of poor people, but also details the problem of poverty. The Multidimensional Poverty Index (IKM) was first developed by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) and the United Nations Development Program's Human Development Report Office (UNDP-HDRO) in 2010.

IKM can be used as a reference for policy formulation based on the dimensions and indicators developed. SMIs can also be arranged based on region, ethnicity, and other sectoral groups, making it easier to see the composition of poverty within one group and among these groups. In addition, SMIs make it easier to monitor changes in poverty over time by using data collected over different periods.

Looking at the methods and uses of the IKM, The PRAKARSA considers that in Indonesia it is necessary to carry out calculations. It is important to calculate IKM in Indonesia so that there is no poverty portrait bias. Initiation of counting by The PRAKARSA it started with a visit and direct study to Oxford in 2011 and directly studied with Sabina and Alkire-foster at OPHI.

Coming back from Oxford, The PRAKARSA started calculating the Multidimensional Poverty Index and completed in 2015. Until 2021, The PRAKARSA has conducted three calculations for IKM, namely: the first counting period (2012-2014), the second counting period (2015-2018), and the third counting period (2019-2021).

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Ah Maftuchan

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Victoria Fangidae

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Herni Ramdlaningrum

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Eka Afrina Djamhari


Darmawan Prasetya


Aqilatul Layyinah


Irvan Tengku Harja


Rizky Deco Praha


Bambang Nurjaman


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