Dreams of Prosperity in Old Age

Being elderly is a natural thing that will be experienced by everyone, this is certainly in our minds. Becoming a prosperous elderly in the future is certainly the hope of all of us. So what kind of preparations have we made from an early age?

The productive age group currently dominates the total population in Indonesia and in the next decade Indonesia will experience a demographic bonus. The population of productive age will reach more than 60 percent of the total population. Unfortunately, the current productive age is still dominated by groups with low education and high levels of workers in the informal sector. Not to mention the lack of preparation or ownership of pension guarantees.

With conditions like this, Indonesia needs to immediately improve so that the demographic bonus which is predicted to last for 10 years does not just pass. Of course, this is a big challenge for the Indonesian government in dealing with the population explosion of the elderly population after the demographic bonus has passed.

Attention to the productive age group has been explicitly conveyed by the government in the 2020-2024 RPJMN. However, what needs to be ensured is how the government is serious about implementing its commitment to improving the quality of the productive age group, which of course must start from now on. Various improvements need to be made, starting from providing basic income guarantees for the productive age group and providing socialization about the importance of preparing for old age. So that when they enter old age they are no longer a burden to their families and the state. The role of local governments is also very important, because the expansion of information regarding old-age security or pension insurance, especially for groups of informal workers, is still unknown to the productive age group. In addition, the policy basis regarding participation in pension insurance for groups of informal workers must also be improved.

The research carried out seeks to capture the phenomenon of the condition of the productive age group more comprehensively starting from their living conditions, both from the socio-economic side and the preparations that have been made to face old age or old age. This study also captures the perception of the productive age group towards the elderly. This is to find out the meaning of old age by the productive age group and their perception of the old age they will live in the future.

To see how the current condition of the productive age group in Indonesia is? What is the perception of the productive age group towards the current elderly group and their preparation for facing old age? in more detail, find the answer in this report please read!

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