The PRAKARSAis an institution for research and policy advocacy, a “think and do tank”, based on civil society organizations in Jakarta, Indonesia established on 31 August 2004 and ratified by Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. C-21.HT.01.03.TH.2005.

PRAKARSA (Society Initiative for State Welfare and Alternative Development) has a mandate to contribute to the development of a democratic, fair and prosperous society through the establishment of knowledge and dissemination of innovative ideas within the field of welfare and alternative development for socio-economic justice and social welfare realization. PRAKARSA focuses on social policy, fiscal policy, and sustainable development issue.

PRAKARSA chooses to be actively involved in policy advocacy and strengthening the arrangement of evidence-based public policies with a multi-stakeholder approach involving both government and non-government actors. PRAKARSA work areas includes local, national, and global levels.

PRAKARSA is supported by researchers, practitioners, intellectuals, and policymakers who are reputable on producing innovative, solid, evidence-based knowledge and policy analysis.

PRAKARSA is moving along the phase of "knowledge-generating", "engagement" and "problem-solving so that knowledge develops into policy action.knowledge generating","engagementt” and “problem solving” so that knowledge develops into a policy action.

The PRAKARSA is supported by donors and development partners who value the independence of our analysis and work.

Vision and Mission


To become an international standard research and capacity development institution capable of pioneering the emergence of innovative and transformative ideas to realize socio-economic justice and prosperity.


  • Producing and promoting welfare policy discourse, knowledge, and practice
  • Conducting research and studies in social policy, fiscal policy, and sustainable development policy fields
  • Organizing capacity building, education, and training for stakeholders
  • Developing networks between think tanks, CSOs, and the private sector in initiating policy reforms

Organizational Structure

Supervisory Board

Purnama Adil Marata


Binny Buchori


Ati Nurbaiti


Sugeng Bahagijo


Executive Board

Ah Maftuchan

Executive Director

Victoria Fanggidae, Ph.D

Deputy Director

Herni Ramdlaningrum

Program Manager

Eka Afrina Djamhari

Research and Knowledge Manager

Board of Advisors

Zumrotin K. Susilo
Zumrotin K. Susilo

Filomeno S. STA. ANA III
Filomeno S. STA. ANA III

Research Associates

Prof. Hasbullah Thabrany
Prof. Hasbullah Thabrany

(University of Indonesia)

Prof. Andrew Rosser
Prof. Andrew Rosser

(University of Melbourne)

Edi Suharto, Ph.D
Edi Suharto, Ph.D

(Bandung College of Social Welfare)

Poppy Ismalina, Ph.D
Poppy Ismalina, Ph.D

(Gadjah Mada University)


Work Partners


What People Say about PRAKARSA

Mickael B. Hoelman

Deputy Chairman of the 2019-2024 Supervision, Monitoring, and Evaluation Commission of the National Social Security Council (DJSN) I Member of the National Social Security Council of the Republic of Indonesia from the Element of Figures and/or Experts

The PRAKARSA plays a strategic role in articulating citizens' voices regarding rights to social security. As a non-governmental organization that focuses on social studies, The PRAKARSA has a significant contribution to policy formulation through policy research and recommendation, submission of monitoring results from each region in Indonesia, and research in various good practices in other countries. Hopefully, this collaboration will continue to strengthen Indonesia's national social security system in the future.

M. Hanif Dhakiri

The 2014-2019 Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia

As an NGO focusing on welfare policy issues, The PRAKARSA has identified its strategic roles. The PRAKARSA's previous research and studies have reinforced national social policies progressing towards maturity. We understand that it is impossible to actualize social security policies and programs in a second, especially in the context of Indonesia, a large and unique country but a middle-income economy. Therefore, strong research, studies, and monitoring are crucial to finalizing national social security policies and programs, including new progressive initiatives that can ensure the sustainability of all citizens inclusively.

Rina Julvianty

Program Coordinator of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Indonesia Office

The PRAKARSA is one of FES Indonesia's strategic partners in promoting human development programs to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. With its expertise and experiences, The PRAKARSA is capable of exploring innovative ideas for social welfare advancement through independent studies.

The Study on Social Security for the Informal Sectors that we conducted in collaboration with The PRAKARSA presents arguments for the importance of extending social security programs to beneficiaries in the informal sectors. We expect this excellent cooperation to continue and contribute positively to social policy development.


Deputy Chairman of the 2019-2024 General Policy Commission of the National Social Security Council (DJSN) I Member of the National Social Security Council (DJSN) of the Republic of Indonesia from the Element of Figures and/or Experts

As one of the think-tank institutions, The PRAKARSA has convincingly contributed to providing evidence-based policy input for the Social Security in Indonesia. One of our collaborations regarding the implementation of the PANTAU JKN application will be an essential breakthrough as it serves as a connecting channel between JKN participants and civil society organizations with the National Social Security Council (DJSN). PANTAU JKN will serve as one of the monitoring and evaluation pillars of the JKN implementation in Indonesia and one of the inputs for evidence-based policy changes in the JKN Program. We highly appreciate the excellent cooperation that we have established so far. We expect that The PRAKARSA will continue to develop as a think-tank that continuously provides responsive, effective, and quality policy recommendations on social security issues in Indonesia.

Juniati Gunawan

Director of Trisakti Sustainability Center Trisakti University

The PRAKARSA consistently monitors the implementation of sustainable finance in Indonesia through various learning activities to provide positive encouragement and support. Hopefully, it will be more solid and improve its engagement with multi-stakeholders.


Tempo Institute Program Coordinator

The collaboration between the Tempo Institute and The PRAKARSA in training on tax journalism and fellowship on tax coverage was considered beneficial for the participants. Journalists, particularly local journalists, uncommonly achieve such training on tax issues. Therefore, most journalists enthusiastically participated in this training, as it was their first time. They are expected to comprehend the ins and outs of taxation and its crimes.

Further, the activity continued with a fellowship program on tax issues coverage, which became a valuable experience for the journalists. As a result, they have experience exploring tax issues and writing them in the form of journalistic reports. Unfortunately, these activities were not developed to a more expert level.

Prof. Frank J. Chaloupka

Director of Health Policy Center, the University of Illinois at Chicago

The PRAKARSA has made great strides by entering into new work areas, including tobacco tax (in partnership with the University of Illinois at Chicago). This research focused on estimating levels of illicit trade in tobacco products and complemented the existing portfolio of fiscal policy works, which had previously spotlighted fiscal justice.

Sigit Harryoko

Echelon III of Directorate General of Taxes

Echelon III of Directorate General of Taxes The works of Perkumpulan PRAKARSA have contributed as a reminder and additional information for making fiscal policies and strategies in carrying out tax administration. Several research results on illicit financial flows and illegal cigarettes have increased awareness of such issues in our circle and, based on our observation, also in academics.

Bambang Shergi Laksmono

Professor of Social Policy Fisip - University of Indonesia

I highly appreciate The Prakarsa as one of the development studies institutions for successfully encouraging evidence-based planning and policies and scientific studies-based policies in the context of rational-accountable public policy decision-making. The PRAKARSA’s study on the JKN implementation, for example, serves as a significant study providing conceptual facts and analysis that stakeholders of the national health system require.

Metta Dharmasaputra

Co-Founder, CEO - KATADATAcoid

PRAKARSA has considerably contributed to a number of national and international issues. In collaboration with Katadata, the coal tax investigation work in Kalimantan has received significant attention from various stakeholders, including government agencies, such as the Directorate General of Tax, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Corruption Eradication Commission. In addition, in international events, PRAKARSA contributed a major role in the NGO Forum at the IMF-World Bank event held in Bali.

Prof. Dr. Hasbullah Thabrany, MPH, Dr. PH

The PRAKARSA has conducted various studies heading or related to the welfare state for a long time. After the economic crisis of the late 1990s, welfare and justice issues have turned out to be crucial issues that encourage The PRAKARSA to be keen on observing the potential problems and research opportunities. In 2018, The PRAKARSA significantly conducted studies on pro-poor public policies. I think this study would substantially contribute to the nation's future.

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Economic and Fiscal Policy

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Sustainable Development Policy

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Library Revitalization and Digitalization Consultant PRAKARSA

Background Since its inception, The PRAKARSA already has a library that is managed internally and independently. The available library functions to store reading source books, reports...
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  WE ARE HIRING The PRAKARSA is a think-tank that produces and shares information, knowledge, and policy recommendations in the social, economic, and sustainable development fields as well...
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