Civil-20 Indonesia is Ready to Receive the “Bad Relay” from Italian Civil-20

Civil 20 (C20) Summit Italy 2021 has officially closed on October 7, 2021 at 16:00 Italian time. C20 as engagement group Officials from the G-20 have completed a series of agendas and produced policy pack and a communique that will be brought to the G20 Italy Presidency 2021. C20 is a forum for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) around the world to provide ideas, ideas and political-policy dialogue with G20 member countries (Group of 20).

In closing the C20 Summit Italy 2021 Executive Director The PRAKARSA, Ah Maftuchan was appointed as the C20 Indonesia representative to give the closing remarks. "Highest appreciation for the leadership of the C20 Italy 2021 so that it produces policy recommendations that are very relevant for the G20 and non-G20 countries. C20 Italia 2021 has succeeded in maintaining the tradition of involving Civil Society Organizations around the world in the formulation of policy recommendations, “said Ah Maftuchan.

The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has an impact on all sectors of life, from health to the economy. The Covid-19 pandemic has also increased socio-economic inequality both at the domestic and international levels. C20 Italy 2021 calls on G20 leaders to be proactive in pushing for multilateral initiatives on Prevention, Preparedness and Recovery pandemic, ensure access to vaccines for all citizens, support TRIPs Waiver for vaccines and health-based services Universal Health Coverage (UHC).  

In his remarks, Maftuchan emphasized that “we need to strengthen global and national health systems. An effective health system that must be based on the fulfillment of human rights, community centered, equal across countries and designed with a gender equality lens, this is the world against Covid-19 and together we will win!”, said Maftuchan, one of the Co-Chairs of C20 Indonesia.

C20 Italy 2021 also calls on G20 leaders to tackle the climate crisis. G20 leaders must seriously reduce the impact of global warming through reducing fossil fuel consumption, setting carbon taxes and eliminating coal gradually by 2030. G20 leaders must allocate adequate funds to overcome the climate crisis and encourage domestic-global financial institutions to increase environmentally friendly investment. The commitment to reduce global warming by 1,5°C must be fulfilled.

C20 Italy 2021 emphasizes that the G20 must set an example for the fulfillment of the basic rights of citizens, guaranteeing freedom of speech and gender equality. The digital revolution must be directed at creating equal access in the economy, education and information. Ensuring the participation of CSOs in the formulation of public policies and state activities is very important to ensure “leave no one behind".

In 2022 Indonesia will host the G20. The G20 will be a historic event and an important momentum for Indonesia because the agreement that is born will become a world reference. On this occasion, Ah Maftuchan highlighted the importance of recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, economic recovery in developing countries, climate change, democracy and anti-corruption. "C20 Indonesia is committed to maintaining the sustainability of the C20 Italy 2021 recommendations to be strengthened in C20 Indonesia 2022. C20 Indonesia will emphasize cooperation between countries to eradicate transnational corruption, reduce illicit financial flows and money laundering. In addition, C20 Indonesia will promote tax justice and tax optimization of the digital sector. Then, C20 Indonesia will also continue to press for access to vaccines for all, low-carbon development and strengthening social protection policies for all citizens," concluded Maftuchan.

C20 Indonesia is ready to receive the “relay baton” from C20 Italy to lead the C20 at the 20 G2022 Indonesia Presidency. C20 Indonesia invites CSOs worldwide to jointly encourage “recover together, recover stronger". ***

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