Bintang Aulia Lutfi

Bintang currently serves as a researcher PRAKARSA period 2023 – present. Every day Bintang will assist the Research & Knowledge Manager (RKM) in managing research, the management cycle starts from planning, implementation to reporting. Management includes research substance and funding (budget planning and budget absorption).


Bintang has studied a Bachelor of Islamic Economics at Brawijaya University and a Master of Science in Islamic Economics at Airlangga University. Before joining PRAKARSA, Bintang has been actively involved in development economics and sharia economics research. He works as a Research Assistant and Surveyor, collaborating with lecturers and government partners to collect data and analyze information related to research projects.


Currently, Bintang has a deep interest in various issues related to the economy, especially in terms of social welfare and financial issues. This interest prompted him to engage in more in-depth research and contribute to a better understanding of economic dynamics and how they affect individuals' daily lives. Through this interest, Bintang hopes to make a positive contribution in overcoming the economic problems faced by society and participate in developing sustainable solutions.


Bintang has conducted in-depth research on people's behavior in banking transaction activities with Sharia Digital Banks. The results of his research were then published in an accredited journal, which broadens understanding of the role of Islamic digital banks in society and supports the development of green financial literacy. Apart from that, Bintang has also explored his opinions and analysis regarding the post-pandemic economic potential and how people's consumption activities change during religious holidays. All of these contributions reflect his strong involvement in economic and financial issues relevant to today's society and economy.

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