Elderly Expert Review Discussion

Expert review activity is one part of the research process conducted by Prakarsa. Expert review activities aim to sharpen the objectives, methodology, and urgency of the research to be carried out so that the results become more qualified and accountable. The parties involved in this process are those engaged in the research to be carried out. 

Expert review activities regarding Research on the Impact of Social Protection Policies on the Welfare of the Elderly and Perceptions of Productive Age on the Elderly attended by Mrs. Sri Kusumastuti Rahayu from the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) and her assistants, Mr. Ade Rustama from the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), Ms. Eva Sabdono from the Emong Lansia Foundation (YEL), and Ms. Tara P. Sani from the Alzheimer's Foundation Indonesia.

The facts that become concern In the discussion, 1) The coverage of the Social Protection Program in Indonesia is still very low, 2) There is no separation of social assistance between the productive age and the elderly, 3) The recipients of social assistance are only those who work in the formal sector, not the informal sector, and 4) Most of the productive age has not prepared for their old age. Sri Kusumastuti Rahayu and Ade Komarudin stated that the elderly are one of the biggest contributors to poverty in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to take concrete actions to improve the welfare of the elderly and productive age in old age.

Research to be carried out by Prakarsa is to analyze the demographics of the elderly and the impact of the elderly protection program on the welfare of the elderly. The results of this research are expected to be able to provide recommendations and advocacy to the government to improve people's welfare in Indonesia. (B.C)

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