Herfina Yohanna Nababan, Ph.D

Herfina Yohanna Nababan is an associate researcher at The PRAKARSA whose task is to assist the main researcher, especially on the issue of national health insurance. Herfina received her PhD in Global Health at the Nossal Institute for Global Health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia. Herfina obtained a Master's degree in Health Sciences from the Department of Global Health Policy, School of International Health, The University of Tokyo, Japan, and a bachelor's degree as a Doctor at the Faculty of Medicine, Pelita Harapan University, Indonesia.

Currently Herfina is completing postdoctoral research at the Department of Global Health, Institute für Public Health und Pflegeforschung, University of Bremen; Bremen, Germany. Herfina also has experience working as a National Professional Officer – Universal Health Coverage at the World Health Organization Country Office (WCO) Indonesia and a Technical Assistant at the Asia Institute, the University of Melbourne, Australia and various other institutions in the Health sector since 2010.

One of the main issues that Herfina is involved in is maternal and newborn health services in various countries. Through her research, Herfina focuses on understanding and improving health services for mothers and newborns, with the aim of improving overall community health. With a strong educational background and extensive practical experience, Herfina has succeeded in contributing her thoughts and findings in various scientific forums to address relevant and urgent health issues. Her expertise in conducting high-quality research related to global health, particularly in the context of maternal and newborn health services, has earned her recognition as an expert committed to improving global health.

Some of Herfina's works include Wealth-based inequality in the continuum of maternal health service utilization in 16 sub-Saharan African countries, Improving quality of care for maternal and newborn health: A pre-post evaluation of the Safe Childbirth Checklist at a district hospital in Bangladesh , and Indications and determinants of Caesarean Section Delivery: Evidence from a population-based study in Matlab, Bangladesh.

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